Monthly Archives: September 2013


Yay, I remembered my password!  Which is pretty awesome because I don’t remember anything.  Ok so obviously something hit me tonight because I wanted to write a blog.  Which I haven’t wanted to do in about 30 years.  It’s not that I don’t want to write a blog, I just don’t want to bore anyone with my daily happenings (road rage, work, etc.).  Tonight Ryan and I went out to eat at a place where we knew we could watch the Mets play (yes, they lost again).  We happened to be there the same night as a live band… and that band had me thinking about my past.  Mostly just the people I have met and the decisions I have made.

One of the oddest and biggest decisions I made was working at a sports bar in Fayetteville.  I needed a second job.  Badly.  I went straight  from my day job to filling out applications at restaurants and it was about 9:00pm and I was done.  I was on my way home and I saw one more sports bar I had never seen before.  It was called Foghorns.  I slammed on my breaks and thought, what the heck?  I should fill out one more.  The owner called me the next day and asked if I could start right away.  While I worked there I met SO many awesome people.  I also was reunited with some VERY old softball friends there.  I had planned on giving you some of their stories in this blog, but I really feel like I don’t even have the room.  Just because I pulled into that sports bar nine years ago, people are married.  Children were born.  I have great friends I never expected to find as a waitress.  But don’t forget what I just said.  COUPLES MARRIED.  THEY HAD CHILDREN.  Just because I pulled into a sports bar because I needed some extra money.

I’m not tooting my horn (I think needing a second job is far from horn tooting…) but I think it’s important to see that our actions affect more than just ourselves.  So when you wonder about what other lives you are touching with your decisions, make sure you think about the big picture.  I could never have imagined the impact that little sports bar would have.  Please know what you do matters.  God has a plan… I was reminded at church last Sunday that He does, in fact, have a plan.  But we can change His mind.  His character cannot be changed, but His mind can be.  Look it up.  That’s why we pray.  If you have a decision to make and you feel like it won’t affect someone else, just sit back and think of the tiny things.  I am so grateful that God had me pull into that little bar.  And yes, God can have you pull into a bar.  He can have you pull into anywhere he can use you.  He doesn’t only use people at church… Long story long, God is in control.  Our tiniest decisions have an impact on His big story and it’s important to know that your story matters.

Feels good to be back in my rambling, bambling, blog world.  Just think about what happened because you decided to read this!?