3D Movies


So, I wanted to post this because it’s important to make fun of myself sometimes and it’s also important for everyone to know that things like this really happen.  Ryan and I took the boys to see “UP” at the theater.  It was my very first 3D movie.  I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty excited.  So we get our glasses and our $47 dollar Cherry Coke and our $647 snacks and head to pick our seats.  The previews start and I am not wearing my glasses yet.  I’m still trying to figure out where I’m going to set the nacho cheese so it doesn’t fall over when I dip my popcorn in it.  The movie starts and I grab my glasses and get really excited.  It was so lame.  It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.  I cannot believe people pay $3 more for this… and not only that, but how do they get kids to sit through this!  Not even close to cool.  There was about a third of the movie left and I decide to go to the bathroom (not missing anything anyway, right?).  I take my glasses off to put them in my purse… sunglasses.  I had been wearing sunglasses through almost the entire 3D movie.  Needless to say, Avatar was WAY better.

Snow… (!) and Bad Drivers


Oh people, it’s going to snow Monday!  I am so excited!  I’m not actually sure why… maybe it’s because it feels like I’ve been swept away to vacation land.  I do love vacations… even when they’re full of exhausting travel and little relaxation time.  I just LOVE being in a different place.  Seeing new things, eating their food, it’s so fun!  The only thing I super don’t like about the snow are all of the people that live in Northwest Arkansas.  No one thinks I’m a good driver in the snow, and I don’t think anyone else is a good driver in the snow.  I’m the one that everyone hates because I refuse to go faster than 30 mph.  You are probably the one I hate because I don’t understand why everyone has to fly passed me like they are on their way to a life-saving emergency room visit!  Do you really need to get where you’re going that quickly!?  There are very few places I absolutely can not WAIT to get and if I’m out driving in the snow it’s more than likely out of necessity and not for fun.  I want a bumper sticker that says, “Yeah, I know you hate how I drive.  I hate how you drive, too.”  That way it’s all out in the open.  No one has to glare at me through the passenger window as they zoom passed me, or even flip me off.  I really love those people.  Yeah dude, please, take one hand off your wheel while you’re already recklessly driving just to make sure I know you don’t appreciate my speed.  I will take it into consideration next time I feel like face planting my car in a ditch.  Probably I’ll even lose sleep over it.  Luckily I’m old enough that I don’t speed up to twice as fast as he’s going just so I can cut him off and make him REALLY mad.  That was always so fun… HEY DUDE!  YOU AREN’T GOING TO GET MAD AT ME WITHOUT ME GETTING MAD AT YOU RIGHT BACK!  TAKE THAT!  SHAZAM!  Silly… Ok, I might still do that sometimes.  Thank God it’s not as often as it used to be.  Some people truly deserve it though!  Three pointers for everyone driving on a regular, dry, happy day: 1) Use your blinker.  Seriously, don’t piss me off.  Just use your blinker.  2) There’s a button on, or close to, your steering wheel and when you hit it your car will keep the same speed.  It’s called cruise control.  Please don’t pass me going 85 mph – jet in front of me – and then take your foot off the gas.  Just use the magical button.  3) Don’t flip me off or stare me down.  Get to your destination without trying to scream at me with your eyes and your middle finger.




I didn’t know how to spell that word right so I just made up a new way to say it.  One clever point for Courtney!  I went to lunch with a friend today and we got to talking about our childhoods for a second.  Like, when my grandpa let me drink his PBR when I was six just because he wanted to see my face.  And when I was in second grade I was super pissed because all the dudes didn’t have to wear a shirt when they went outside.  So my mom said, “If you want your shirt off, take it off, I don’t care.”  So I did.  I took it off and sprinted out the door to my shirtless freedom.  I was outside for six seconds maybe and sprinted back inside because I was so incredibly embarassed to be outside without my shirt on.  Which is probably a good thing.  I haven’t tried that lately, but I would imagine I would probably do the same thing.  If I didn’t sprint inside on my own, I’m sure the police would help me find my house… and my shirt.

My childhood was really fun.  My brothers and sisters were mean to me, which made it even better.  All the home videos of my brother saying, “MOM MAKE HER SHUT UP!  HER VOICE IS SO ANNOYING!!”  I love those.  Mostly because my voice truly was annoying… I couldn’t have been a more annoying child and my mom and dad loved it.  Eh, I just wanted to reminish for a bit today.  I’d like to know about everyone else’s favorite childhood memories… so if you feel like sharing, please do.  I think that’s one thing we don’t learn about each other very often.  And I like most of you so… share.  🙂